Minggu, 30 September 2012

25 things that girls dont realize (Repost)

1. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep,
they always think about the girl they truly care about….
2. Guys are more emotional then you think, if they loved you at one
point, it’ll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it
hurts every second that they try.
3. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.
4. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
5. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they’re still loved.
6. Guys don’t care how gorgeous you are.
7. Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know
what?..uh…nevermind..” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far
from what you are thinking. And he’ll assume he did something wrong and
he’ll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
8. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to
listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.
9. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
10. Guys love you more than you love them
11. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use
beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a
whole heck of a lot.
12. No matter how much guys talk about whats on the
outside,personalityis key.
13. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she
doesn’t notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to
figure out what it meant but some know that it was just prolly nothing
so if it is supposed to mean something then make that meaning noticable
so that they can react on the spot.
14. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think
about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time
with the girl.
15.If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he’s probably faking it
and he is really thinking about something
16. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys
rarely say that.
17.When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying,
“Please come and listen to me
18. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen
that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.
19. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he’s definitely
thinking something.
20. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable
decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

22. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He’s just too
stubborn to admit it.
Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of them
24.When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he
really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible
25.Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still
does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life

I Really Love...

Love your early morning and goodnight text
Love your laugh
Love your voice
Love your smell
Love your hugs
Love your kisses
Love your "i love you" voicenote
Love your silly jokes
Love your silly magic tricks
Love your effort to tickle me while i'm not pay attention
Love our late night conversation
Love our late night phone calls
Love the way you try to make me blushing
Love the way you ask "how do i look?"
Love the way you tell me to go to sleep earlier
Love the way you ask me whether i want you to pick me up somewhere
Love the way you pull me closer to you
Love the way you look at me for quite a long time
Love the way you hold my hand
Love the way you smell my hair secretly, and you thought that i don't know
Love the way you talk to me
Love the way you see me
Love the way you sing
Love the way you give me a little surprise
Love the way you say goodbye to me after you drive me home
Love the way you treat me like a little princess
Love the way you try to make me laugh when i'm mad at you

Most of all, i really love the way you love me :)

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

things girls want boys to do.

1. Hug us from behind
2. Call us beautiful not sexy
3. Show us off to your friends
4. Make us feel like were all that maters
5. Tell us you love us infront of your friends
6. Understand us when we have difficulties expressing what we want
7. Keep staying next to us, when we say "Leave me alone"
8. Lend his shoulder to a girl when a girl cries, hug her and tell her that everything's gonna be alright
9. Don't cheat on her and love her with all of your heart
10. When we ignore you, that's the time when we want all your attention
11. Gives us sweet surprises in unpredictable time

Minggu, 23 September 2012


I have this promise, and I take it seriously. I want this relationship to be good. I want this to be a happy ending story. I try everything to work it out. He tries too. I guess we'll get the answer at the perfect time. What's the meaning of our journey and all the distractions. Hope allah always leads us to the best way.

you know a guy into you when..

1. He sincerely looks at you,
2. Whisper words that’ll make you smile,

3. Be with you,

4. Do silly things with you,

5. Hold your hand,

6. Open the door for you,

7. Drive you around,

8. Wait for you and not complain,

9. Share clothes with you,

10. Play with you,

11. Carry you,

12. Dance under the rain with you,

13. Protect you,

14. Accept your flaws and see every beauty in you,

15. Appreciate you,

16. Understands you,

17. Respect you,

18. Support you,

and accept you, no matter what :)

Sabtu, 22 September 2012


Let me be the girl you fall for a little bit more every single day. Let me be the girl you can show your true colors to. Let me be the girl you can tell your dreams and deepest secrets. I wanna be the girl you never thought could ever existed. Let me be the girl you think about even when other girls are around. Let me be the girl that makes you feel like the luckiest man alive. The one girl that makes you a true man. The one who makes you wonder why other guys could miss out on. Just the one who makes you realize how truly blessed to even come across with, let alone make her fall in love. So cherish her, embrace her and give her your world when you found her. Because she has trusted you enough with something she knows you can break; her heart.

Selasa, 11 September 2012


Dear best friend

You’re not genius but you always give solution for every problem that I have.
You’re not clown but you always make me laugh every time I almost cry.
You don’t have any family relation with me but we connected with each other.
You know my ugliest side.
You know my weakness.
You know my bad habit.
You know almost every single thing about me, for the good and the bad, and you still there right beside me.
You’re not perfect and So do I.

We cry. We smile. We sing. We laugh. We take pictures. We eat a lot. We shop. We sleep over. We make a phone call. We go to mosque. We gossiped. We did stupid things. We did mistakes. We go out. We are and always be…

We disagree sometimes.
We laugh at the randomest things.
We never fight.
When I’m sad you were always there to make sure I’m okay.

Thanks for being there for me.

I LOVE YOU, forever and always.


Age 104 old man and his age 100 wife, they are poor, they have been married for 81 years and have never had a group photo. When the old lady dress up the wedding dress, old man so happy to hug his wife, and said his wife is so beautiful.

Simple is not necessarily the best, but the best must be simple.
Happiness is that simple!


Do you know, when you're ignored your friend, it's the same with bullying?

Friend is, when you smile, they smile.

When you hurt, they felt that too.

When you cry, they come closer and say, "Hey, what's goin on?" or.. they just stay beside you and hear you cried. And after that, they make a jokes, hope you can laugh and forget your problems.

Guys, what did you do if,

1. You see your friend cry? Did you come closer, sit or ask s/he why, or just ignore it and keep walk?
2. You feel your friend's being ignored by all members of your class? Did you still get along with her/him or....you choose to ignored her/him too?

I hope you did the right things. Honestly, I often did the wrong one, but I try to change. I realize, I'm not that perfect. Nobody's perfect, right?
And I realize, that we all have a different character. No doubt, we've got good side and bad side. And certainly, we've made many mistakes. Again, nobody's perfect.
Just try to accept that. You don't wanna being ignored as well, right? Because it hurts so much. Trust me. ;)

....It’s not a war, no, it’s not a rapture
I’m just a person, but you can’t take it....

Senin, 10 September 2012

daydreaming :3

Someone who is not afraid to express his feelings , not afraid to turn down a date just because he doesn't feel like going to one .
Who always try not to hurt my feelings , even when he wants to criticize .
Whose honesty makes me fall in love all over , and whose loyalty make me never wanting to let go .
Someone who can make me laugh even at times i don't even want to smile at all .
To surprise with sweet kisses on the forehead or on the cheek :)
Someone who introduces me to his fellas and say , 'This is the girl i'm crazy about , '
Someone who would keep his promises and wait for hours just to see me for ten minutes , even when it's late .
Someone who is not shy to tell about relationship to his parents or mine :):):)
Someone who would say i love you , and means it .
Someone who would accompany me to the groceries store just to buy an ice cream without the whining or the complains .
Someone who has the courage to say that sex can wait .
Someone who looks good and handsome without putting much effort into it .
Someone who would tell me i'm beautiful even when my eyes are red and tears are running down my face :)
Someone , somewhere , someday :)

Hihihi :-p

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

I beat myself up probably a lot more than I should.
I act like everything's okay when a matter of fact, everything's sucking me in like a tornado.
I help others too much when I'm the one that's in need of big help.
I probably care a lot more than I should.
I think of others more than I spend my time thinking about me.
Happiness is seeing someone else smiling.
I try solving others' problems when I need to solve mine.
Deep down I wish people cared more like I cared for them.
Maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Maybe happiness is overrated.
I wish I was normal... Living a life that's the same as everyone else's patterns.
I need to accept things. Grief, loss, failure.
I need to acknowledge love.
I need to let go of my insecurities.
I need to stop.
I need to be better and better and better. Even if it's not good enough.
I need to try a little harder.
I need...

read comments

We. the girls.

1. We sometimes don't even understand what we want.

2. We think the worst out of everything.

3. We get emotional for no reason.

4. We wonder how much we mean to you.

5. We don't always mean what we say.

6. We get insecure every time we see someone better.

7. We fake smiles... A lot.

8. We regret the things we say afterwards most of the time.

9. We care a lot more than we probably should.

10. We trust you, far more than we trust ourselves.

Jumat, 07 September 2012

just da way u r

I love you means that I accept you for the person that you are and that I do not wish to change you into someone else. It means that I do not expect perfection from you- just as you do not expect it from me. It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst times. It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you're down- not just when you're fun to be with. 'I love you' means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them- asking that you'd not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love enough to not let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, and hoping that you feel the same way for me.

Kamis, 06 September 2012


I don't want a fairytale ending with you. I want to be there to help you face your fears and to help you overcome your failures. I want to give you the kind of love that's not distorted and fabricated, but real, raw and honest. You're not perfect and neither am I. But when we're together, I can believe that things will always fall into place. So please don't go :-)


I really wonder why people suddenly change after they get what they wanted. One day they're sweet, the next day they're not. One day they're here, the next day they're not. One day you're important to them, the next day you're worthless. One day they love you, the next day they don't care about you. That's how ironic people can be. Just pretty lies. But it's still your choice. Because you choose to get hurt when you choose to be in love.


Sometimes all I really want to do is sit beside you. I want to watch cheesy and crappy movies with you, and we will laugh at them together. I want to plan things with you, things we’ll never do, but for some reason just planning them with you is fine with me. I want to talk to you about everything and anything. I want to goof around with you and make jokes that aren’t funny but we’ll laugh nonetheless. I just want to fall in love with you over and over and maybe at one point we’ll get tired of each other, but we never let go. We never let go. If we do, we realize how bad life is without each other. But until then, I want you, and just you A<3

the fact.

lets just start by 10 fact.

1.Gue pusing sama rambut gue yang rontok.i've tried a lot of stuff but it doesn't seem like its getting better. 

2. berat sedikit turun but... i want more!


4.I am so concerned about my health, yeaaa...

5.belom nemu tempat bimbel yg bikin pewe, pdhl bentar lg kls 12..

6.i miss the joy of dancing,seriously.

7.I REALLLLLLLYYYY want to make my parents proud of me.

8. I want to a-long-relationship with him

9. gapernah tau kalo ditanya tentang cita2...

10. wiendy cantik..cantik..baik hatinyaaaa hoek.

gapenting sebenernya...